Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Buah Hati Hijau

Perasaan gembira bercampur resah memikirkan nak collect kunci dari agent today bagi rumah subsale landed pertama belian kami. amemang tak berani nak invest in sub sale landed for rental properties especially housing loan based on 70% jer..

Kebiasaannya kene tunggu 3 bulan nak dapat kunci tapi sebab buat cerita sedeh kami kini menetap di rumah sewa dan mahu segera pindah ke rumah subsale ni , agent tu kawtim same owner . Lagipon rumahtu vacant so kami diminta mebayar another 10% in order to collect the key. Pandai sungguh owner berdagang.

Rumahnya da almost 20 years + tapi lokasi di prime area - bumi lot dengan 10k bawah market value. Lokasi di hot demand area. memang jarang orang jual rumah kat area ni. Mostly people buy to occupy sebab lokasinye menarik dan berdekatan dengan kedai , pasar , 2nd link , JUSCO , TESCO, GIANT, hosptal dan macam MACAM LAGI...Mahu tidak mahu perlulah meneruskan misi transformasi rumah. Budjet tak banyak tapi sedang mencuba mendapatkan quotation dari beberapa contractor. Misi akan bermula esok untuk memanggil contractor bagi menjayakan renovasi berdasarkan impian seperti ilustrasi di bawah. Banyak jugakhajat di hati nak buat tapi kene cut down kalau budget tak mencukupi

Ini Option 1 tapi maybe tak buat macam ni kot

Pandangan sisi isometrik

Pandangan belakang

Discuss dengan suami die tak berapa minat design moden macam ni sangat.Prefer sepeeti kampung dan minimalis. Maka terhasil la yang bawah ni - ilham ade celup dari internet bagi mempercepatkan idea

Tips Menjana Pendapatan Dari Rumah Sewa

  • Beli rumah di prime area atau hospot di mana pasti ada demand kini dan tahun-tahun seterusnya

  • Beli rumah dengan target sewa tinggi melebihi dari bayaran bulanan bank - untuk membantu meringankan bayaran hutang lain seperti hutang kereta/kredit card

  • Cari penyewa yang mempunyai latar belakang pendapatan bagus , kalau boleh mintalah confirmation letter company bagi memastikan anda tak pusing kepala tenant cabot lari atau liat nak bayar rental.

  • Iklankan sendiri bagi saving duit . Sekiranya gunakan khidmat agent , pasti dikenakan bayaran 1 bulan atau setengah bulan rental..kan membazir namnaya.Gunakan yang friendly user seperti saya!

  • Untuk mark upkan rental - sewakan furnish , kalau rase mahal nak spend beli perabot , bolehla menggunakan khidmat sekali lagi untuk survey preloved items atau second hand furniture . Banyak juge owner yang nak pindah rumah iklankan perabot mereka untuk dijual dengan harga berpatutan lebih murah dari kedai.

  • Buat tenancy agrement sendiri dan pergi ke Pejabat Hasil untuk mematikan setem hasil. Buat 2 copy. Satu untuk simpanan anda dan satu untuk simpanan penyewa. Tambah clause yang anda rase cukup bermanfat untuk kebaikan & keselamatan anda. Kebiasaan kita akan menyewakan rumah kepada penyewa dalam tempoh 1 tahun. Sekiranya mereka good master payee , bolehlah dilanjutkan sehingga tahun-tahun berikutnya.

Setelah setahun , lihatlah hasil yang dituai telah kembali kosnya dengan menyewakan rumah tersebut . Selamat mencuba!

Housing Loan 70% Only - How To Keep Gaining Rental Income Positively

  • Semakin mencabar membeli rumah sekarang denga hanya 70% loan. Lambat dan berat hati nak spend 30% setelah brpenat lelah saving untuk 30% deposit rumah. Rumah baru semakin rancak harga - kalaula property 300k  , nak kene ade 90k hardcash belom masok kos guaman dan insurans..

Tips Yang Mungkin Membantu :

  • Beli rumah subsale under market value - susah nak dapat especially di kawasan hot area. Mestilah banyak bersabar dan rajin meninjau di kejiranan pilihan anda. Surat khabar dan Internet tak mencukupi untuk membantu - need legwork to do the job

  • Refinance property lama anda. Check dengan valuer di bank harga market value terkini rumah anda. Sekiranya harga lonjakan melebihi 100k , berbaloi untuk refinance tetapi AWAS! , refinance bagi owner yang memiliki rumah ketiga dan seterusnya - hanya dapat 70% juge walaupun anda mahu refinance pembelian rumah pertama yang dulu. 

  • JV dengan ahli keluarga atau sahabat handai yang dipercayai. Teknik ni berkesan sekiranya anda bercadang untuk flip rumah tu dalam masa 2-3 tahun . Mengapa? Sebab masing-masing pasti ade long term planning bagi kewangan masin-masing. Setelah jual rumah tersebut , keuntungan dibahagi sama rata begitu juge kos-kos tersembunyi semasa penjualan rumah.

  • Saving dulu untk cukupkan duit kalau berhajat sangat nak beli new property dari developer sebab harge dah mahal sekarang ni..especially di Johor Bahru ni..Most new development harge sudah tidak munasabah sagatla...Tak percaya pergi reki sendiri

Selamat Mencuba!

Belian Rumah Pertama Bukan Rumah Idaman

Mengapa Harus Membeli Rumah Pertama Bukan Rumah Idaman?

  • Bagi yang berkahwin atau bujang , pendapatan awal alam pekerjaan professional, seperti kais pagi makan pagi , kais petang makan petang - kebanyakan berpendapatan rm2000-2500 bergantung kepada kelulusan ijazah dan syarikat yang dimasuki. Saving pastila minimum jadi penting untuk aim rumah pertamaku bukan rumah idaman.

  • Setelah keluarga berkembang dan pendapatan meningkat , saving juga mencukupi dan si isteri selalu bising demand space besar sikit untuk keselesaan anak-anak yang duduk dalam walker boleh berlegar-legar dalam ruangan lebeh besar , maka carila rumah lebeh besar sesuai dengna pendapatan anda

  • Cop! Rumah pertama tadi janganla dijual , tetapi disewakan -jadi tips penting pembelian rumah pertama harusla di lokasi yang hotspot dan prime area agar tak pening kepala mendapatkan penyewa. Kalau bernasib baik bayaran rumah sewa dapat menampung pembayaran hutang bank untuk rumah pertama dan kedua anda..Barula tak pening kepala. Dah la dapat rumah baru , lebeh besar pulak tu...ade orang yang tolong bayarkan lagi...Tak ke bahgie gitu?

  • Proses di atas boleh la diulang beberapa kali bergantung ekonomi keluarga . Sekiranya kedua-dua pasangan suami isteri bekerja lagi lah mudah . Anda boleh membeli 4 buah rumah dengan hanya 10% deposit..Masyuk sangatlah. Harga rumah di Malaysia masih affordable walaupun ramai mengatakan mahal bergantung kepada kalkulator anda.
Selamat Meninjau Rumah Pertama!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Thank you !

Dear readers , 

Thank you for your regularity following my writing. 
You make this lady happy and smiling in her sleep.
Your time consuming reading my humble life celoteh and click visit my blog is much appreciated.

Do visit again ! Nite-nite

Best regards , 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sayang Faris Ayman

Assalamualaikum , mesti korang semue rase same macam Nurul , belom Isnin menyurami hari ni , dah rase Monday blues..kalau tak rase macam tu , mari share kenape korang rase excited nak pi kerja esok , nak la tahu jue kan ..mane la tau boleh motivate diri sendiri kan kan kan...( yang kerja sendiri tak termasok dalam kategori ini ye )

Nurul baru tadi lepas hantar abg sayang balik Singapore..Tak nak tunggu die melambai lambai nanti boleh nangis tak boleh behenti so Nurul drop off , payungkan sampai drop off point dan drive back home . Macam tu kurang emosi sikit . Semoga abg izhar selamat sampai dengan selamat ke Singapura dalam keadaan sihat walafiat dan sempurna kesihatan fizikal dan mental.

Oh ok...sekarang Nurul nak share cerita pasal kekasih baru Nurul die kan..................Faris Aiman!!!!!!!!. Nurul jumpe die kali pertama eye to eye contact on last 3 weeks ago..Orangnya alhamdlillah comel . Syukur alhamdulillah. Kalau matanya dibuka sangat besar sekali bola matanya. Paling suka tengok si Faris tido. Macam segala kebahagiaan di dunia terpampang di depan mata. Tiada kata kata dapat terlafaz selain memuji kebasaran Allah dan keajaiban yang mampu diberikan dalam kekuasaanNya mencipta objek bergelar manusia yang sangat kecil seperti Faris yang keluar dari perut adik Nurul , Akma. Jari dan tangannya yang halus membuat Nurul rase seram nak pegang Faris . Dengan berat 2.4-2.6 kg , Faris ibarat rupa fetus yang Nurul lihat dalam buku biologi dan science discovery kat astro , cuma kali ni, Nurul nampak live in action. Terkesima jugak Nurul everytime tengok Faris especially bila mama mandikan Faris . Mama angkat Faris dan letakkan kaki Faris dalam air suam suam kuku dan basahkan Faris dengan air , sambil memusingkan Faris ke depan dan ke belakang membersihkan segala celah anggota badan Faris bersih bersih. Faris melentokkan kepalanya di atas bahu opahnye sambil senyap menikmati air air suam membasahi badann die. Mama sangat seronok memandikan Faris sebab he enjoys water so much !!! Tak macam mandikan si BELANG , kucing Nurul , abes satu toilet die tawaf mencari space untuk escape dari water pouring onto her body. Apela Belang , malu sama Faris tau...

Heheh . jangan la marah korang ...leks laa. kekasih baru Nurul ni ialah nephew baru dan pertama Nurul. Nurul sekarang bergelar mak long..Rindu la Nurul kat si Faris , macam jatoh cinta pandang pertama , da jumpe sekali nak jumpe lagi lagi lagi je. Perkembangan pembesaran Faris ni cepat . Nurul pon terkejut . Week 1 datang dating dengang Faris , kecil la sangat orangnye , everything is so halus about Faris dari badan , kaki , lengan , jari , kuku jangan cakap laa...2 tapak tangan da boleh cover his whole body area. Nak pegang lagi la seram , takot anything wrong mase lift him up , so meleleh air liur je tengok mama dan akma gilir gilir pegang Faris. 

Walau bagaimanpun , semangat rindu berkobar kobar nak hold Faris myself pada minggu kedua kami berdating di JB semakin membara . Sanggup maklong turun JB 2 weeks in rows tau sayangku  Faris semata mata nak jumpe faris yang menawan hati maklong ni dear. Best la sangat bile dapat angkat Faris rase macam ringan dari Belang la die ! tapi lame lame pegang berat jugak , lenguh jugak tangan dibuatnya...Tunggu la Faris besar dan sihat lagi beberapa minggu ye la Faris sayang..Ishhhhh geram nye denga die..

Akma dan mama rajin mms gamba gamba Faris kat Nurul . Makin hari makin sihat la si Faris ni.. Cepatnye die membesar. Terkejut maklong..

 faris aiman yang kebiruan baru bernafas di dunia manusia

faris aiman di usia 3 minggu

faris aiman di usia 4 minggu

faris aiman di usia 4 minggu lebih

faris aiman die usia 6 minggu

Faris aiman kini bersama ibunya akma di cheras sedang menuggu kedatangan atok dan nenek dari jb yang sedang otw nak jumpe faris sebab jatuh rindu kat faris. Da 30+ lebih faris aiman berada di jb bersama atok , nenek suddenly faris aiman balik KL atok dan nenek tak tenteram hati siang malam merindukan si Faris Aiman. Semoga mama dan papa pon tak lupekan Nurul kat Penang ni ye. Rajin rajin jengok saya juga mama , papa.

faris aiman.........maklong rindu awak laaaaaaa........nangis

Friday, October 28, 2011

4.3 Meter Jatuh Terhempap

Nurul rase teragak agak nak tulis entry ni , tapi macam teringat ingat peristiwa keramat lebih kurang 4 minggu lalu , almost one month nearly. Satu pagi yang biasa Nurul masok office hari tu maybe
8.30-9 am in the morning. Nurul jalan slowww je berlenggang kangkung dengan payung kegemaranku berjalan kaki ke ofis setelah kereta nurul parking kat atas bukit berdekatan dengan water tank jauh jugak dari opis nak kene menapak 10 min ade kot. Parking punyela jauh sebab parking selalu full. Kat site ni memang tak cukup parking. Kite bukan staff kilang , kite cuma main cont bikin kilang diorang tak boleh park dalam compound diorang . Leceh laa. Polis pulak asik dok saman kete nurul je , nurul letak no fon besar gedabak kat winshield pon diorang tak mao tau call nurul ajak minum teh ke , kopi asik nak saman orang je. Fed up ngan polis bayan baru.

Ok la nurul selalu over storied kan..macam takde focus. Back to the main topic , Mun Wei adalah office colleague Nurul berbangsa Chinese, single and available , vegetarian dan Singaporean yang datang ke Penang seperti Nurul dan rakan rakan seangkatan lain yang ditugaskan menyiapkan project kat Penang sebab Malaysia tak cukup kakitangan , project pulak datang berlambak lambak , syukur rezeki company .Harap bos bagi bonus banyak banyak ye tahun depan...Mun Wei specialist dalam electrical drafting maka antara tugas die kene pergi site untuk check installation accordance to his lukisan . Sometimes die kene pergi site sebab nak coordinate electrical conduit atau cable ladder die ade clash dengan services mekanikal , internet or bende bende lain sekumpulannye. Dalam site ni kitorang buat kilang yang produce jarum suntikan kat hospital , bukan jarum untuk drug addicts tu. Maka adelah productian area dinamakan cleanroom area namanya. Cleanroom ni macam satu dewan besarrrr sangat yang kedap habuk dan debu. Yela , sebab kate nak bikin jarum , kene la sterile tempat tu bersih kan ..macam contoh kite nak bagi baby susu kan kene bersihkan botol susu dengan air panas. Macam tu la keadaan cleanroom tu. Sekarang cleanroom tu da almost siap dan cantik bersih mata memandang tapi kene pakai cleanroom suit macam gambar nurul letak di atas.

Dalam sekitar 9.30 pagi Nurul ade la borak borak dengan Mun Wai rasenye . Kitorang discuss pasal staircase E . Nurul mintak die add lighting dekat dalam lukisan dekat tangge E . Then kitorang buat kerja lain amcam biassa.Pemandangan harian kat ofis , bile kawan kawan kite pakai safety shoes , safety helmet , goggle dan safety vest , maksudnye kitorang nak pi site . Macam tu la pemandangan kali terakhir Nurul nampak Mun Wai bergerak dengan kelengkapan keselamatannye ke tapak site pagi jam 10am lebeh sikit hari tu.

Dalam sekitar tengahari lepas abes makan , Nurul nampak PM nurul macam kancong semacam , semua orang lain pon macam kelihatan kecoh dalam ofis pasal ade kes orang jatuh kat site tapi Nurul tak hiraukan sebabnye itu pemandangan biasa , kadang kadang dengar orang gadoh , kejap ade yang menjerit jerit , kejap ade yang melenting ngamok , kejap ade yang berlari sane sini dan lain lain pemandangan biase tegal biase keje dalam industri ni.

Beberapa hari lepas , baru satu Indon or bangla jatoh dari tingkat 3 kat service opening . So Nurul ingatkan diorang dok kecoh pasal hal mamat yang same la..So lepak balik sambung keje yang berlambak tak siap siap macam biasa. Dah dekat jam 3pm baru lebeh barulah Nurul terasa nak tanye satu mamat tu " Eh today I heard people fall again? Who fell this time ?" To my surprise my colleague told me it was MunWei.

Huh are you kidding me? When ? How he fell ? Is he ok ? Where is he now ? How come you guys never tell me? That was all I can think. Diorang cakap he is ok tapi hospitalized . Doctor informed pelvis die fractured 8 area. 

HUH ? He fell from walkable ceiling , macam ceiling yang kite bole jalan diatasnye tetapi beza nye ceiling ni kuat , bole carry certain load human weight. Sayang sekali Mun Wai terlepas pandang , die tak perasan yang ade satu panel tu tak di pasang properly , suddenly die rase jatoh melayang 4.3 meter ke bawah. Die jatoh terduduk tapi tangan die lebam teruk sebab menahan akibat jatuhan punggung die , pelvis die retak.

Kesian sangat kat Mun Wai , die sangat la baik orangnye , selalu tolong kawan kawan dan peramah orangye . Nurul doakan Mun Wai cepat sembuh bersama family tersayang di Singapura sekarang.

Taubat Nurul takkan naik walkable ceiling mane mane site lepas ni.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

TAU TAK - Cologne dan Perfume antara Penyebab Breast Cancer

Assalamualaikum korang ...

Da lunch ke ? Nurul baru makan 2 pieces of fish fillets . Flu masih lagi ade dalam hidung ni , harap badan bole tahan smapai ke petang sebab sat lagi ade site walk at 1.30 at clean room level 2. Dah lame Nurul nak share entry ni , berkenaan dengan pengguaan cologne dan perfume .
Nak tanye sikit boleh ? ,
" Berapa ramai antara kita yang memang sukekan perfume and addicted to cologne" ,
sile angkat tangan ...
Wah ramainye....!!
tapi Nurul tak nampak korang nye tangan la sebab kite ni kan di alam maya..

Nurul sendiri selalu tuka tuka perfume dan cologne .Saje nak try flavour and new smell. Duit pon ratusan abes buat perfume collection ., Some yang tak pakai , bagi dekat sisters...sian sister Nurul.

Ceritanya kalau la tahu lebih awal betapa bahaya nye pakai cologne dan perfume , sure da lame tak pakai kan? So Nurul nak share sikit pengetahuan yang diketahui dari papa Nurul. Die selalu marah kalau nampak perfume or cologne kat atas dresser room , satu katenye adalah haram memakainye bagi wanita dari segi hukum syarak , lagi satu sebabne ,  cologne ni adalah antara penyebab penyakit breast canser  . Tak percayakan ? Nurul pon tak percaye ...sebab Nurul da pakai lame both two items ni since sekolah darjah 6 rasenye kalau tak silap. Macam example kalau kite hari hari makan ayam suddenly orang bagitahu ayam bole bawa maut , mestilah terkejut mak datok kan...

Nurul buat sikit study pasal asal usul cologne. Cologne ni derives dari bahase French  word.
(eau de cologne ) maksudnye water of cologne . Cologne dikenali sekarang adalah bersamaan dengan 'water of toilet " ataupon toilet water...Hmm ape nurul merepek ni?
Cologne ni adalah "titisan haruman yang dicampur dengan alcohol yang digunakan agar badan kita harum wangi dan segar sepanjang hari". Macam iklan kat tv tu cakap.

Zaman dahulu kala nurul rase orang dulu dulu pakai sebab nak bau wangi macam Puteri Gunung Ledang tu , mesti nak bau wangi sebab die kan separuh hantu separuh jin , kalau die terbang sebelah sultan nanti die akan meninggalkan bau wangi, jadi sebab tu sultan muzaffar syah tu jatuh cinta kepayang kat puteri gunung ledang ..boleh pakai ke citer ni?.
Berbalik pada citer tadi ,  pada zaman sekarang majoriti kita menggunakan cologne dan perfume sebab yang si single nak pikat yang si single , eh bukan sebab tu ..sebabnye kite nak tutup bau arm pit kite kalau berpeluh kan?

Sebab pemakanan kita pada hari ni yang kebanyakan semue makanan dicmpur preservertive , contoh ikan di lautan nelayan nak ensure ikan tak busuk  ,diaorang letak kapur barus supaya ikan sampai di darat,  kita berlari larian nak beli ikan fresh tapi sebenarnyr dalam  da 7 hari ikan tu belayar dalam bot .

Ayam bandar sekarang kalau kat pasar semue nampak gemok gemok belaka , kitapon excited beli sebab tengok ayam fresh , tapi sebenarnya ayam tu muda mudi belaka tapi disuntik ubat supaya mereka cepat gemok macam nampak da ayam dewasa ..kesian baby baby ayam tu. KFC pon ramai orang beratur setiap hari nak makan ayam suntik ni. Lepas makan ayam , ubat suntik tu pon mengalir dalam darah anak anak kita , kesian mereka kan..kalaula mama and papa tau..tapi ape nak buat ..tak tahu la sayang....

Ok selepas makan macam macam yang dicampur preservative , badan kita berpeluh dan 
mengeluarkan bau yang tak menyenangkan swope through skin dan sebab adenye invention cologne , kitepon apply cologne kat armpits ..Cologne ni mengandungi bahan berbahaya seperti contohnye
70 - 85% alcohol dan bakinya 15 - 30% perfume oil.

Ok sambung balik nanti , ade site walk..see ya
kan bau

Salam again , kite sambung ye ...

Dari satu artikel mengatakan mostly ingredients dalam perfume 95% adalah sintetik compound

Etanol : banyak digunakan pada sabun mandi ,hair spray , shaving cream , nail polisher
akibat nye kite rase penat , sakit mate , susah bernafas dan menghilangkan keupayaan pergerakan muscle anggota badan.

Limonene : hand lotion , hair spray , perfume and cologne
Kesan sampingan : irritation mata dan penyebab kanser

Linalool : dalam perfume dan cologne
Kesan sampingan : kesusahan pernafasan dan menyebabkan depression

Benzyl acetate : perfume dan cologne
Dikaitkan dengan kanser pancreatic , kanser paling teruk boleh dihaidapi.
Menyukarkan sistem pernafasan. Memasuki badan dengan swope through skin

Toluene : digunakan paling banyak dalam pembuatan perfume dan cologne
Menyebabkan pening kepala dan meningkatkan jumlah toxin dalam badan

Mengapa kilang kilang operasi perlu menambah alcohol dalam pembuatan perfume dan cologne ? Ini kerana adalah terlalu mahal bagi mereka untuk menggunakan pure oil essence dari bunga bunga sahaja.Kos penghasilan yang mahal tidak menguntungkan pengkilang perfume dan cologne. Alcohol adalah alternatif murah untuk menggantikan terlalu banyak bunga bunga essence yang sepatutnya digunakan.

Sekarang baru Nurul tahu kenapa dahulu kala nurul selalu demam , pening kepala macam migrain padahal nurul takde sejarah migrain . Nurul selalu penat macam terlalu penat padahal takde buat ape sangat pergerakan di ofis.
Lepas ni nak kene cari pure essential oil yang pure betol tanpa alcohol. Nak buang semua cologne dan perfume yang ade sebab sayangkan paru paru , jantung , hati . Kesannya pasti sama menghidu asap rokok yang swope through my skin.

Harap maaf sekiranya entry ni menyinggung hati sesiapa yang meminati perfume dan cologne. Dengan sedikit info yang nurul tulis ,  terserah kepada individu , cara sendiri , ikut kata hati ,  kalau rasa tak ok,  terpulang pada diri sendiri.

Tapi kalau rasa fakta ni betol , sebaiknya elakkan pemakaian perfume dan cologne dari alcohol made. Cume satu nasihat sahaja, tepuk dada tanya selera kan?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Adakah Nurul Super Mum ?

The biggest fear of marriage constitution for any career come first girls is all about life changing experience. I love my work , big fat liar statement  since relaxing at home sound much more alluring but to be honest the gaji is the reason which keeps anyone going . The interesting part about marriage is you are no longer alone , to my surprise I know understand how sometimes some girls complaint they have not enough time for themselves etc staring at mirror for hours plucking their eyebrows is no more necessary because the husband needs her attention 22-7 , facebook can also be a reason of an argument since she is given a choice to choose between facebook or the husband? But any girls will never let the husband to choose between her or his addiction of football towards M.U and Liverpool , isn't that ironic?

Being 800+ km away from each other , I have all the time to make an adjustment to fit marriage current lifestyle. It does not mean I do not cherish moment of marriage but having the time for myself  for 5 days a week is a gift of having control of my own life. Until now I still wonder how can two different sex and brain sustain their marriage for many years living and sharing their life under the same roof.

It's already super tough working between 9-6 everyday. After knock off office hour all you need is lie down on sofa while stretching your legs and turn astro tv channel 411, 412 , 413 , 711, 712 , 701 or 104 and 105..After house chores , laundry and cooking , cleansing shower and bedtime,  I went exhausted. To my surprise currently blogging keeps me cheer up and occupied me after office hour end. It keeps me having positive reason to pre occupy my time with something useful whenever my husband is away.

Anyway I have little fear about  life after becoming a mother , how tough it can be ? I keep on thinking how can I manage doing the site walk after hours in the morning and noon while baby in tummy later?  What about the work load and stress of site situation and how will colleagues look at my tummy condition while its growing bigger. By that time , how will I get everything done with tip top score ? How to avoid resentment from co-workers and grief from my boss ? Will they understand ? Will my body support me mentally and physically by the time?

I am going through the above process but not reaching Z yet , maybe between I-J. This reminds me the reason of getting to the club of single no more , that I want a family of myself, if it's not happening now , sooner or later I will soon reach Z . I  just need to start planning and prepare myself  when the day come.

Good night..Kerang rebus and sambal belacan for dinner...


How many of us feel excited going to work?
Can you describe reasons why you feel excited ?
Kindly leave your comments what motivate you to feel that way .You will surely make my day

Siapa yang rasa bahagia ke office setiap hari?
Catatkan komen anda mengapa anda ceria ke office setiap hari.
Komen anda diharap menceriakan saya hari ini

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Buying Houses In Malaysia

Last month I have decided to purchase buying a house after three years of working and saving. Since I have no experience in buying a house before , I decided to buy property near my parents house. There are several scenario and incident mistake Ive encounter in finding good location , hassle free traffic jam and good selling price. What have I did was spending endless hours till you can see panda eyes of mine due to long hours googling :
  •  Im interested in an idea of owning a home having swimming pool , jacuzzi , sauna , gym ( normally i paid and travel to get these facilities at my own expenses) I will  appreciate paying rm 300 extra/monthly for daily swimming and sweat my body at gym at convenient area nearby my home. 
  • Im interested in an idea to staying in resort feel alike home of my own
  • Im interested in people to manage my exterior facade of home
  • Im interested to pay low quit rental govern by sharing land holders with other home owners
  • Im not keen in manage big space if I own a big house
  • I prefer to feel safe and secure at my own home . My parents landed home has proven how important it is to engage guard to petrolling at our area to ensure the house wont be broken and ransack again by thieves.
For all the above reasons , I picked to buy townhouse or apartment. I went to google over the internet looking for an auction house and manage to find one unit at NUSAVILLA townhouse at Nusa Bestari. I gave few calls to the auctioner's office and keep requesting for specific home address to check out the condition of  it. When I reached there , Security was tough and I give credit to security being hard on me informing the unit I was looking for was not exist ( I brought along piece of paper written the house unit number which I copied wrongly ) . I gave a call to the house agent who offered me another unit at NUSAVILLA townhouse to sell as a reason to let the guard allow me to go check them out. Thankful my effort was worth it. One of the step I learn from reading on few tips before buying auction houses is to check on outstanding previous tenants / landlord bills. To my shock the owner had not pay the rm200+ maintenance fee since last Nov / Dec which accumulate to rm1000+ . According to management kakak ive met , the bills need to be settled by newcomer owner and may be claimable later at bank. The units I went to view was huge and so spacious . The only part of lackness was the unit locate at 2nd storey and I counted 20+ steps to climb up ( which displeased me , moreover Im suffering of leg pain after playing paintball game the day before).
  • After few days , I saw Suriamas Suites photo and was very attracted to see the unit . I forced my bf to drive me there and we manage to see glimpse of the development which was quite young and new . Since then , my heart fall in love with suriamas and I keep searching best price in the internet from owner who interested in selling theirs. I manage to call few agents and they told me since it is almost CNY, many tenants are away and difficult to arrange for viewing. I waited longer and patiently till I manage to squeeze one agent to give me her another colleague who is currently have the unit available to sell. I was super overjoyed and excited and even went down to her office for briefing. Straight away I managed to force her to arrange with landlord to broke in into the units since the tenants are always away to get hold of him. The unit located at 10tlh floor and facing a good view. Block A which facing the guard road is the best view compare to other block which the developer has showed me one of the units before. I have paid for disbursement fee to the landlord to lock my buying price so he could not take another offer from other potential buyer. CIMB has valuated the units and the selling offer price is reasonalbe slightly under par since the development has been hot demand among tenants who work in jb town and singapore due to its location 5 mins driving away from CIQ checkpoint

How to retire in less than five years by accumulating good debts of more than RM3 million through property investments
I was having lunch a few weeks back with David (age 55), a past participant of my property investment program whom I had not met for many years. David works in the oil and gas industry and he was posted to the Middle East for the last five years. When he left Malaysia, he was a millionaire. When he came back for good, he was worth over RM5 million. Not a bad way to get rich quickly within such a short period of time. I am sure he would not have been able to make so much money so quickly had he remained in Malaysia.
Hence the important lesson here for all employees is to be adventurous and grab any opportunity to earn a high income in a strong currency. The amount you earn working overseas in one year is equivalent to at least 3-5 years of working in Malaysia! The amount of money you are able to save while overseas will enable you to leapfrog your peers when it comes to investing.
While away, David managed to accumulate over 10 residential properties and he paid cash for all the new purchases as he used to come home at least three times a year. David’s combined passive rental income today is over RM10,000 a month enabling him to retire very comfortably. He only took loans for the earlier three purchases he made before he went overseas.
When I asked David, why he did not take any loans for all the recent purchases he made while working overseas with a high income, he replied that he did not like paying the bank interest. He was also afraid of interest rates going up like what happened during the Asian currency crisis of 1997/98. Another reason was that he preferred his surplus cash to be used up instead of leaving in fixed deposits where the temptation to spend or make ‘silly’ investments would be extremely hard to resist. David told me that his goal was to retire debt free and he was happy that he was finally able to do so at a fairly young age.  
While David did well for himself, I personally felt he could have done much better. Like David, many people’s goal is to retire debt-free early, preferably well before the age of 65. Did you know that it is possible to retire, if you so wish, within the next five years by accumulating good debts of RM3 million via property investments? Sounds too good to be true? Read on for the truth.
In my article in the June 2009 edition, I gave several reasons why you must aim to borrow intelligently as much as you can. They were:

Transfer of Property Risks

Effects of Inflation on Bank Loans

How Your Net Worth Increases due to the Reduction in Liabilities
If you miss this must-read article, kindly visit this URL:
Here are more reasons on why it makes sense to borrow money:
1. Time Factor: It may take you five to ten years to save RM100,000, but less than one month to borrow the same amount for property investments. Hence why wait to save when you can start investing now using borrowed money! You will be able to get rich quicker by starting your investment journey much earlier.
2. Your ‘Hard Working’ tenants are paying your bank instalments, not you. Many people make the mistake of mixing up the bank instalments for their home and investment properties. For your own home, you are responsible to pay the bank instalments every month. Hence it is important to ensure that there is income or salary coming in every month. Alternatively, you must have a buffer to service three to six months bank instalments in case you temporarily lose your earning ability.

However, for investment properties that are being rented out, you are using the rentals collected from your tenants to pay the bank instalments. Even though you are technically responsible for the bank loans, as long as the properties are rented out and the rentals are sufficient to pay the bank instalments, there is really nothing to worry about as far as your own earning ability is concerned.
You can go a step further and reduce risks by ensuring that 10 months rental is sufficient to service 12 months bank instalments in the event your property becomes vacant or unexpected property expenses crop up, etc. If you own several investment properties, another way of mitigating risks is to ensure that 80 percent of the combined rentals collected (in case of full occupancy) are sufficient to service 100 percent of the bank instalments every month. Your worry now shifts from servicing the various bank loans to ensuring the rental from all your properties comes in every month.
3. Spread between the ‘yields’ and ‘interest costs’. To illustrate this, let us assume that you are investing in medium priced condominiums in the Klang Valley in good locations where it is possible to get:
Average Property Yields > 7.5% pa

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A plan of action

I love house decor , playing and matching colors of furnitures and shop for furniture and house decors. Most of favourite past times , you may peeps me at visiting show houses , at furniture shops especially during SALE.JOTUN , NIPPON are few fav painting shops where I purchase few cans of colors when I decided to change wall color. Above all, interior is all about clearing the area. Clutter does no favours to interior and it can compound the problem of an awkward space. Always start room transformation with a clean slate by sorting thru surplus furniture and little in used belongings. Donate unwanted items to charity or pass them to maids which I normally practice. Keep remaining keepsakes fresh by rotating displays regularly. Place a good looking filling tray and wastepaper bin near places where easy to throw and empty them before overflow.

I have stayed in the same bedroom for almost 19 years and the only  item  has changed over the years  is   Ive replace my mum's wedding wardrobe to a new one somewhere last year. I waited a little longer to compromise clearing my study debts , paying car mortgage , save some for early retirement .Last 2 mnth Ive deciced to make an action to make room makeover . I have hard time in deciding the furniture color to blend in with my coco and warm grey walls. I try to be realistic though pretty ambitious in expecting the outcome. At first I made a trip to few furniture shops during after office hour and spend 2-3 hours wondering around. After my trip to Lorenzo located nearby Angsana , Ive fall in love with their furniture that come in all architectural look.I end up buying their dresser , king size bed ( Ive been longing dreaming having king size bed though im not sure if my room can fit it) and one side table. These 3 items came in 3 diff color but to maintain the tone is important in order to blend them together I gez. After 3 days they deliver them together and walla! I feel its a good combination of color even though my prelim idea is to opt for white solid funiture.
I still feel the grey wall is too empty . Without hesitation , I purchased 2 of 5litre can color to paint mural on the grey wall. Branches and trees inspired me after my visit to home decor shop. before losing the picture of the idea , i quickly paint the wall, After al, feeling comfortable at your home or bedroom is one of life's fundamental pleasures!


Last 3 days back , I have went to Tien Seng Marble to witness and cheking the quality of cutting of granite tiles as requested by our dearest client, JDD . That was my first time to witness cutting work of granite tiles. They had huge and few machine to cut . Well let start from hoisting the 3.7m x 5m perhaps , the big slab from one end to another end of factory. 10 tonne crane beam hoisting the slab to another end of factory to start the cutting procedure. Each slab was lift up by suction machine to lay it onto the moveable tray where the cutting process take place. A lot of water needed during the cutting and grining process . I have the video recorded during the cutting work but not sure how to upload in this blog? Can meh?

Friday, December 4, 2009

recreational activity over weekend with family

Random picture taken during weekend recreational with family. We went to famous Mustafa Centre for site seing shopping, later had dinner at popular beriani house opposite the street Mustafa's Centre building, went to Arab Street for mama's jubah shopping and lastly we went Marina Barage to see kite flying and beautiful roof terrace turf by PUB

white bedroom setting for decorative solution?

Day and night I dream to see my room warming up for fresher look soon , only time constraint my intention to do so yet. Ive surveyed after office hour to few furniture shop , lorenzo furnitures are cool and up to date but damn they are beyond my budget, they i went to peep at HOMELIFE , currently they are having christmas sale , now is a good time to bargain for furniture at low price but I am still surveying around. Last nite I went to one furniture boutique near my house at bukit indah interjunction opposite TESCO which is under construction. I felt in love in white majestic bedroom setting immediately. Not to make wrong judgement, ive decided to look around later after office wrap up  since I need to go to office  today to settle the unfinished business since we r having RI inspection  - a final one on this coming Monday.

I will update before and  after photos the transformation  of my extra interest in visual potential my bedroom to be in my next post.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Architect - not the so glamour profession

In 4 days time my building will be inspected by Madam Melati from Design 2000, a register officer / qp to inspect the incomplete Data Centre we are constructing. First time in my life Ive encoutered a building not ready for inspection to go for inspection. With the german company im working for, everyting seems possible. 

The results easily seen for many of us and engineers and site people come back over weekend to turn the impossible date into possible. Ive seen many panda eyes at my engineers, PM and my senior architects. 

Some stay late every weekdays till 9-10pm for couple of weeks checking the drawings, solving the details and joining /connection between different material etc honeycomb cladding and steel gratings, raised floor and stainless caping, aluminium louvre and drywall / brickwalls and etc. 

There is one engineer ive known reach as early as 6am in the morning to work. This is quite good practice since one may reply hundreds email of correspondence from clients, sub-contractor, supplier and bosses in the morning with no one interrupt you in between office hour.

Entering  a contractor's world  is quite different style compare to consultants firm. Our world require us to prepared ourselves to resolve the site problem if the site failed to do so. Everyday is a challenge task to us,  as such attending prompt or schedule meetings,visiting site and  conduct our internal inspection, reply to email correspondence , request for further information and more drawings from consultants, detailing  up the not so detail enuff drawings, checking for specification on building requirement , compliances according to authority regulation and code of singapore practice and preparing presentation to the japanese clients. 

I am telling you people , japanese clients are the fussiest clients I have been working for , whenever  they refuse to accept your  idea,  then adapt their requirement into yours, when they said they want something but you cant deliver, better be prepared with good script excuse if their request is beyond the budget. 

What normally I did, if I failed to say no due to commercial issue, I will drag my PM to explain or let the top manager talking and explain to clients. Few occasion , the clients had lose temper on me but I am getting used  and numb , mcm kate orang masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri. Many of my architects advised me to learn to have thicker skin, otherwise difficult to sustain longer  in this industry .

If you are joining the consultatns firm, things will be quite different but I don't quite prefer to handle too many projects at one go. Contractor in the other hand , one can stay put focus on one particular project and able to see the actual flow on how the building is constructed. You might not experience the design stage as often as consultants firm can offer but your understanding on the details can be sharpen deeper, and you can project  the issue will raise up by others in  future if the drawings are inefficient to build, a good training to look up for better observant and good checker to pick up mistakes.

Here is sneak peek on our project team photo with our proud completed  JDD building as background.

i miss this team - the most cooperative team - best working life experience ever